Retrieve the list of videos

December 6, 2024 (March 24, 2025)

Table of contents

  1. Request Headers
  2. Query Parameters
  3. Responses
  4. Model
  5. Examples
  6. Try It

Retrieve the list of videos, this will include those currently being generated or queued. Check the video_status_name field for the status and the field video_status_final to determine if the provided status is the final status.

The API internally uses the field video_status to calculate values for video_status_name and video_status_final. See below for the known statuses map:

video_status video_status_name video_status_final
5 QUEUED true
10 GENERATING false…

Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer {API token}
Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
  • email is optional when only one account configured. However, if you have multiple accounts configured, this parameter becomes required.

  • limit is optional, specify the number of videos to return. Default 40.

  • offset is optional, specify the offset from where to start.

  • 200 OK

        "data": [
                "video_id": "user:<userid>-pixverse:<email>-video:11223344",
                "video_status": 10,
                "account_id": 33445566,
                "created_at": "2024-11-11T12:34:56Z",
                "first_frame": "",
                "output_width": 0,
                "output_height": 0,
                "original_video_id": 0,
                "upscaled": 0,
                "prompt": "<prompt>",
                "model": "v3",
                "negative_prompt": "",
                "quality": "540p",
                "motion_mode": "normal",
                "asset_id": 0,
                "auto_character_prompt": 0,
                "seed": 123456,
                "likes": 0,
                "model_name": "",
                "queue_data": {
                    "queue_time": 1,
                    "queue_count": 0
                "video_duration": 5,
                "last_frame": "",
                "extended": 0,
                "lip_sync": {},
                "url": "",
                "img_id": 55667788,
                "img_url": "",
                "duration": 5,
                "motion_brush": "",
                "asset_name": "",
                "asset_img_url": "",
                "remove_watermark": 0,
                "nick_name": "<name>",
                "avatar": "",
                "aspect_ratio": "3:4",
                "camera_movement": "default",
                "relation_type": 0,
                "style": "",
                "template_id": 0,
                "template_name": "",
                "template_thumbnail_url": "",
                "template_thumbnail_video_url": "",
                "template_i18n_json": "",
                "workflow_tag": "",
                "customer_paths": null,
                "platform": "",
                "video_status_name": "GENERATING",
                "video_status_final": false
                "video_id": "user:<userid>-pixverse:<email>-video:112233445566",
                "video_status": 1,
                "account_id": 33445566,
                "created_at": "2024-11-11T12:34:56Z",
                "first_frame": "",
                "output_width": 2560,
                "output_height": 1472,
                "original_video_id": "user:<userid>-pixverse:<email>-video:66778899",
                "upscaled": 1,
                "prompt": "<prompt>",
                "model": "v3",
                "negative_prompt": "<negative prompt>",
                "quality": "360p",
                "motion_mode": "normal",
                "asset_id": 0,
                "auto_character_prompt": 0,
                "seed": 0,
                "likes": 0,
                "model_name": "",
                "queue_data": {
                    "queue_time": 1,
                    "queue_count": 0
                "video_duration": 5,
                "last_frame": "",
                "extended": 0,
                "lip_sync": null,
                "url": "",
                "img_id": 115994841,
                "img_url": "",
                "duration": 5,
                "motion_brush": "",
                "asset_name": "",
                "asset_img_url": "",
                "remove_watermark": 1,
                "nick_name": "<name>",
                "avatar": "",
                "aspect_ratio": "",
                "camera_movement": "default",
                "relation_type": 0,
                "style": "",
                "template_id": 307489548427968,
                "template_name": "Crazy Cat Woman",
                "template_thumbnail_url": "",
                "template_thumbnail_video_url": "",
                "template_i18n_json": "{\"zh-CN\":{\"display_name\":\"疯狂猫女变身\",\"display_prompt\":\"变身妖娆猫女,撩翻全场!\"}}",
                "workflow_tag": "",
                "customer_paths": null,
                "platform": "",
                "video_status_name": "COMPLETED",
                "video_status_final": true
        "next_offset": 40,
        "total": 55
  • 400 Bad Request

        "error": "<Error message>",
        "code": 400
  • 401 Unauthorized

      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "code": 401
{   // TypeScript, all fields are optional
    video_id: string
    video_status: number
    account_id: number
    created_at: string
    first_frame: string
    output_width: number
    output_height: number
    original_video_id: number
    upscaled: number
    prompt: string
    model: string
    negative_prompt: string
    quality: string
    motion_mode: string
    asset_id: number
    auto_character_prompt: number
    seed: number
    likes: number
    model_name: string
    queue_data?: {
        queue_time: number
        queue_count: number
        estimated_gen_time?: number
        processing_start_time?: string
    video_duration: number
    last_frame: string
    extended: number
    lip_sync?: any
    original_sound_switch: number
    sound_effect_switch: number
    lip_sync_switch: number
    is_sound: number
    url: string
    video_path: string
    img_id: number
    img_url: string
    img_path: string
    customer_img_path?: string
    customer_img_url?: string
    duration: number
    motion_brush: string
    asset_name: string
    asset_img_url: string
    remove_watermark: number
    nick_name: string
    avatar: string
    aspect_ratio: string
    camera_movement: string
    relation_type: number
    style: string
    template_id: number
    template_name: string
    template_thumbnail_url: string
    template_thumbnail_video_url: string
    template_thumbnail_gif_url: string
    template_i18n_json: string
    workflow_tag: string
    customer_paths?: {
        customer_img_url?: string
        customer_img_path?: string
        lip_sync_audio_url?: string
        lip_sync_audio_path?: string
        lip_sync_tts_content?: string
        sound_effect_content?: string
        lip_sync_tts_audio_path?: string
        lip_sync_tts_speaker_id?: string
        customer_video_url?: string
        customer_video_path?: string
        customer_video_duration?: number
        customer_first_frame?: string
        customer_last_frame?: string
        customer_first_frame_url?: string
        customer_last_frame_url?: string
        customer_img_urls?: string[]
        customer_img_paths?: string[]
        customer_lip_sync_audio_path?: string
    platform: string
    create_mode: string
    qualities?: string[] | null
    lora_weight: number
    restyle_id: number
    restyle_prompt: string
    // added
    video_status_name: string
    video_status_final: boolean
  next_offset: number
  total: number  
  • curl "" \
       -H "Accept: application/json" \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer …" 
  • const token = "API token";
    const email= "Previously configured account email"; 
    const apiUrl = `${email}`; 
    const response = await fetch(apiUrl, {
      headers: {
        "Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,
    const result = await response.json();
    console.log("response", {response, result});
  • import requests
    token = "API token"
    email= "Previously configured account email"
    apiUrl = f"{email}"
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization" : f"Bearer {token}"
    response = requests.get(apiUrl, headers=headers)
    print(response, response.json())
Try It