Retrieve a list of vocal samples including the ones you uploaded

December 2, 2024 (January 15, 2025)

Table of contents

  1. Request Headers
  2. Query Parameters
  3. Responses
  4. Model
  5. Examples
  6. Try It…

Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer {API token}
Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
  • account is optional when only one account configured. However, if you have multiple accounts configured, this parameter becomes required.

  • last_id is optional. Use it to retrieve the next page of data. To do so, set its value to the last_id returned in the previous response when the more field in that response is true.

  • mine is optional. Set to true to retrieve list of vocals uploaded via POST files/vocal.
    Supported values: true, false (default).

  • 200 OK

        "list": [
                "id": 47235584950273,
                "url": "https://...mp3",
                "duration_milliseconds": 40731,
                "gender": 2,
                "title": "James",
                "created_at": 1735202082,
                "username": "Star_Boy",
                "background_url": "https://...jpg"
                "id": 48696156946433,
                "url": "https://...mp3",
                "duration_milliseconds": 49059,
                "gender": 2,
                "title": "Bella",
                "created_at": 1735898537,
                "username": "ZenZephyr",
                "background_url": "https://...jpeg"
        "last_id": 1726311196088,
        "more": true
  • 400 Bad Request

        "error": "<Error message>",
        "code": 400
  • 401 Unauthorized

      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "code": 401
{ // TypeScript, all fields are optional
    list: {
        id: number
        url: string
        duration_milliseconds: number
        gender: number
        title: string
        created_at: number
        username: string
        background_url: string
    last_id: number
    more: boolean
  • curl "" \
       -H "Accept: application/json" \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer …" 
  • const token = "API token";
    const account = "Previously configured account"; 
    const apiUrl = `${account}`; 
    const response = await fetch(apiUrl, {
      headers: {
        "Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,
    const result = await response.json();
    console.log("response", {response, result});
  • import requests
    token = "API token"
    account = "Previously configured account"
    apiUrl = f"{account}"
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization" : f"Bearer {token}"
    response = requests.get(apiUrl, headers=headers)
    print(response, response.json())
Try It