Setup MiniMax

Table of contents

  1. Step 1 • Navigate to
  2. Step 2 • Open Developer Tools » Application
  3. Step 3 • Clear Application Storage
  4. Step 4 • Locate account value
  5. Step 5 • Locate url value
  6. Step 6 • Locate token value
  7. Configure MiniMax API account
  8. Verify account, url and token values

Approximately 3 minutes to complete setup steps.

MiniMax AI, a Chinese AI startup backed by Alibaba and Tencent. MiniMax unveiled its latest text-to-video AI model at Hailuo AI in early September 2024. This model is notable for generating ultra-realistic video clips with precise prompt following. The best part is that Hailuo AI offers generations free of charge.

You need a account to access the MiniMax API. You can create as many accounts as you need. Our API uses automated load balancing and will select an account with available capacity.

Step 1 • Navigate to

Open Chromium-compatible browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Opera) and navigate to

Once the page is fully loaded, open Developer Tools by right-clicking on the page and selecting “Inspect Element” 1.

Step 2 • Open Developer Tools » Application

Select Developer Tools » Application 1.

Step 3 • Clear Application Storage

Once Application 1 selected find and clear (right-click to see popup menu Clear) following Storage 2 items:

  • All Local storage entries 3
  • All Session storage entries 4
  • All Cookies 5

Reload page 6.

Step 4 • Locate account value

Once the page is fully reloaded:

  • Select Local storage » 1
  • Copy ANONYMOUS_REAL_USER_ID value 3. This is your account number.

As an example below the account number is 295172988957233161.

Step 5 • Locate url value

Select Developer Tools » Network 1:

  • Type renewal in the filter box 2 and hit Enter.
  • You should see a single http call entry as shown below 3, click on that entry.
  • Select “Headers” tab 4.
  • Locate General » Request URL 5 as shown below and copy it’s value. This is your url.

As an example below the url is

Step 6 • Locate token value

Locate Request Headers » Token 1 as shown below and copy it’s value. This is your token.

As an example below the token is


If you are curious, you can use to decode the token and see its content.

Configure MiniMax API account

Please use the Verify feature below to ensure all the retrieved values above are correct.

Proceed to POST /accounts/account and configure the MiniMax API account to using account, url and token values retrieved above.

Verify account, url and token values