Setup Pika

Table of contents

  1. Create Discord account
  2. Join Pika Discord Server
  3. Add Pika Bot to your Direct Messages channel
  4. Make a note of your Direct Messages Pika channel id
  5. Obtain Discord token
  6. Verify Discord access

Approximately 3 minutes to complete setup steps.

Create Discord account

You need a Discord account to interact with Pika Discord Bot. Create a new account if you don’t have one already.

Please note even if you have an existing Discord account we are strongly recommending creating a separate Discord account specifically designated to be used with API.

Join Pika Discord Server

Follow Pika Labs instructions and join official Pika Discord Server.

Add Pika Bot to your Direct Messages channel

Please follow youtube video to add Pika Bot to your Direct Messages channel.

Make a note of your Direct Messages Pika channel id

Your Discord URL looks like<channel_id>.

Obtain Discord token

There are many tutorials describing how to obtain Discord tokens. Please refer to the following links bellow for additional guidance:

Keep in mind that anyone with a Discord token can have full access to your Discord account so please keep it safe and secure. To reset your Discord token simply change your Discord password.

Verify Discord access

Once all the above steps are completed you should have the following:

  • Pika Direct Message channel id number
  • Discord token