Retrieve the list of songs you have generated

February 17, 2025

Table of contents

  1. Request Headers
  2. Query Parameters
  3. Responses
  4. Model
  5. Examples
  6. Try It…

Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer {API token}
Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
  • user_id is optional when only one account configured. However, if you have multiple accounts configured, this parameter becomes required.

  • offset is optional, specify the offset from where to start. Default 0.

  • limit is optional, specify the number of songs to return. Default 10.

  • id is optional, specify the music id to retrieve. You can specify job_id value returned by POST music/create-prompt or POST music/create-compose to retrieve the status and results of the music generation job.

  • 200 OK

            "id": "<uuid>",
            "group_id": "",
            "author_id": "<uuid>",
            "created_at": "2025-02-12T12:22:33.12345Z",
            "audio_variation": "Jazz-Pop, downtempo, smooth piano, light cymbal brushes, dreamy ambiance",
            "lyrics": "[Instrumental]",
            "lyrics_timestamped": "{…}",
            "title": "Vivid Daydream",
            "image_override": null,
            "conditions": "[{…}]",
            "sound": "Jazz-Pop, downtempo, smooth piano, light cymbal brushes, dreamy ambiance",
            "topic": "…",
            "image_id": "<uuid>",
            "simple_waveform": "[…]",
            "remix_parent_id": null,
            "duration_s": 234.57,
            "privacy": "unlisted",
            "transform": null,
            "parent_riff_id": null,
            "audio_upload_id": null,
            "is_favorite": false,
            "favorite_count": 0,
            "play_count": 0,
            "status": "completed",
            "download_url": "….m4a",
            "share_url": "<uuid>",
            "image_url": "….jpeg"
  • 400 Bad Request

        "error": "<Error message>",
        "code": 400
  • 401 Unauthorized

      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "code": 401
  • 596 Pending error

    API was unable to refresh your cookie. Please resolve this issue by using the POST accounts endpoint before making any new API calls.

      "error": "Your Riffusion account has pending error. Please address this issue at before making any new API calls."
{   // TypeScript, all fields are optional
    id: string
    group_id: string
    author_id: string
    created_at: string
    audio_variation: string
    lyrics: string
    lyrics_timestamped: string
    title: string
    image_override?: string
    conditions: string
    sound: string
    topic?: string
    image_id: string
    simple_waveform: string
    remix_parent_id?: string
    duration_s: number
    privacy: string
    transform?: string
    parent_riff_id?: string
    audio_upload_id?: string
    is_favorite: boolean
    favorite_count: number
    play_count: number
    status: 'completed' | 'failed' | 'processing'
    download_url?: string
    share_url?: string
    image_url?: string
  • curl "<user_id>" \
       -H "Accept: application/json" \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer …" 
  • const token = "API token";
    const user_id = "Previously configured account"; 
    const apiUrl = `${user_id}`; 
    const response = await fetch(apiUrl, {
      headers: {
        "Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,
    const result = await response.json();
    console.log("response", {response, result});
  • import requests
    token = "API token"
    user_id = "Previously configured account"
    apiUrl = f"{user_id}"
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization" : f"Bearer {token}"
    response = requests.get(apiUrl, headers=headers)
    print(response, response.json())
Try It